You may have a desire to help others. But you can't take the time off work or you just can't be away from home for long periods of time. Come help Antioch discover special local missions projects or help us with the ones we are planning. Everyone can be involved in local missions by either praying, doing, or giving.
This painting by Phil Powell hangs in Antioch's Baptistery. This peaceful scene is located down in the Game Refuge in Ballard County.
Antioch has expanded their local mission endeavors by being a member of West Union Baptist Association. This Christian Fellowship of Churches band together by their financial giving, participation in mission projects and by praying for one another in order to reach out beyond our own individual Church and minister to a larger community. These association of Churches has a Director of Missions, Bro. Howard, and with his leadership skills he helps the Churches find ways to minister in the name of Jesus.