Spiritual Families Coming Together For A Special Purpose
What We Believe ...
We are so glad you stopped by our website to learn more about the local fellowship of believers gathering at Antioch. If you are new to our church, here are several things we want you to know:
First and foremost, we exist to glorify Jesus. Jesus has saved Antioch's members from their sins and given them a new life. Every song, every service, and every ministry is all about Jesus. Antioch's membership longs for the day when we will be able to bow around His throne and praise His name forever. Our desire is to begin now with this eternal praise during every service.
Secondly, we love God’s Word. God’s Word is without error in every area to which it speaks including, science and history. But more importantly, the Bible is sufficient for all of life. God has spelled out clearly, in His Word, all He desires from His spiritual Children, as spiritual citizens. Antioch's desire is to be completely conforming in every aspect of our lives to God’s will as revealed in the Bible. We try to focus on understanding God’s Word through singing and preaching.
Thirdly, we believe in equipping men and women for service. God created men & women to lead in the home, the church and society. The responsibility and role of a wife, mother, and spiritual woman in the home is a great challenge. The men are likewise charged with a special role and responsibility revealed in the Bible. Every spiritual believer has been gifted by the Holy Spirit for ministry and service. Antioch believes we have a great responsibility to help equip the men and the women who attend for their special spiritual role.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”