Reformers Unanimous (RU) Habit Changing Spiritual Process
Reformers Unanimous Is A Spirit Directed Reform ProgramReformersUnanimousIsASpiritDirectedReformProgram
Reformers Unanimous' (RU) success is based upon what is called "Biblical Behavior Modification." The freedom one achieves from an addictive behavior or a bad habit is only achieved through a Biblical Disciplining Process. The student will exchange an unwanted harmful habit for one more suitable for the Christian lifestyle based upon the Scriptures. This spiritual exchange of habits sets the student free from the bondage of the addictive destructive habit. The program gives the student a chose to choose which habit in life they will practice: good or bad. The Power to overcome these bad addictive habits come from the power found in Jesus Christ through His Holy Spirit. Come and sit in - the first book is free; if you choose to participate in the program it will only cost you the price of the book(s) as you move through the process one book at a time. Other books are available for purchase but not required to purchase. The books are there to help encourage you on your Christian jouney to freedom in Christ.
Classes meet on most Tuesday Nights nights from 7:00 - 9:00; check the calendar of events to see which Tuesdays we do not meet because of scheduling conflicts. We did meet on Friday Nights but due to people’s busy lives it seems more convenient to meet on a Tuesday Night.
The agenda is "Talk" - "Talk" - "Talk;" -
1st you Talk to God - 2nd you Talk to each other - 3rd God Talks to you through a message.
For more information call the Church (270-665-5998) and leave a call back number and Brother Robert will call you back and answer any questions you might have; or contact the Church by clicking button blow.
Life Can Be Hard When A Bad Addictive Habit Keeps Interfering With Your HappinessLifeCanBeHardWhenABadAddictiveHabitKeepsInterferingWithYourHappiness
The rate of suicides, violence, drug overdoses and automobile accidents increases significantly during the holiday time according to Surveillance for Violent Deaths. The majority of these incidents are directly connected to drug and alcohol abuse, especially by individuals who are trying to deal with the stress brought on by the holidays. In a study from the Centers for Disease Control, it was discovered most suicide victims also tested positive for illicit drug or alcohol use directly before their death. According to this study, the following things were related to overdoses and deaths during the holiday season:
• 33 percent of cases involved the consumption of alcohol
• 16 percent of suicide victims had tested positive for using opiates
• 9 percent had used cocaine prior to their death
• 8 percent used marijuana