May 24, 202011:00 am
May 24, 202012:00 pm
Notice Concerning The Corona Virus & Antioch’s Services:
Antioch’s and it’s leaders are concerned for the well being of the individuals attending any service we provide and we will continue to provide a safe disinfected environment as we always have in the past. The “Powers That Be” have made many fearful or paranoid about in-person Church services. The leadership has decided to resume our Sunday Morning Worship Service on the 24th of May. Because of the fear and paranoia certain precautions will be in place; here is what you will see and be asked to do on the 24th:
Services will be in the Joy Center
You may park in the Joy Center parking lot or the Church’s parking lot.
You must enter the Joy Center using the front entrance.
As you enter the building your temperature will be taken at the door (state requirement is a temperature of under 100 degrees for a person attending an in-person mass gathering).
As you enter the door will either be open or it will be opened for you by a Greeter
If you are having sinus problems which involves a cough or sneezing please watch us on Facebook Live or Facebook posted later.
If you are feeling sick please take your temperature at home and watch us on Facebook.
There will be a chair rack at the front entrance - each person will pick a chair for themselves or their family member - if you so desire an Usher (with gloves) will pick a chair up for you and carry it to a designated spot
Hymnals will also be located at the front door - pick one up
March & April Financial Report will be on the same table as the Hymnals.
Offering plates will be available on a table as you enter/exit.
We haven’t decided on how we will arrange the chairs yet but you will be directed on where to set up your chair when you arrive.
Keep your distance as you fellowship - respect other people’s space.
The Order Of The Morning Service
It will begin at 11:00
Birthdays - Anniversaries will be recognized (The Birthday Box - Rick Williams will announce its whereabouts).
Prayer Requests will be taken - Prayer of Invocation
We will have a special from someone (Stephen Queen will introduce singer).
Worship during the Song Service (Volunteer)
Worship during the Morning Message (Bro. Robert)
Worship during the invitation (Standing in place decisions)
When services are over keep your distance as you fellowship - because people are still fearful EVEN if you are not - respect other’s space please.
In His Service & Antioch’s Servitude
Bro. Robert