Tuesdays 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Make sure you call first to confirm the class is meeting. Circumstances may have caused us to cancel the class. Pastor takes the time slot Tuesday Nights 7-9 very seriously and he protects it against canceling but life often decides to dictate one’s schedule; so please call this number 270 665-5998 and confirm the class meeting. We did meet on Friday Nights but people’s lives are so busy on Friday Nights we are moving the program to Tuesday Nights.Makesureyoucallfirsttoconfirmtheclassismeeting.Circumstancesmayhavecausedustocanceltheclass.PastortakesthetimeslotTuesdayNights7-9veryseriouslyandheprotectsitagainstcancelingbutlifeoftendecidestodictateone’sschedule;sopleasecallthisnumber270665-5998andconfirmtheclassmeeting.WedidmeetonFridayNightsbutpeople’slivesaresobusyonFridayNightswearemovingtheprogramtoTuesdayNights.
Reformers Unanimous (RU) is a biblical and a spiritual based Christian Addiction Recovery Program, designed to rescue, recover, and restore those in addictive behaviors with the power of the hidden life found only in Jesus Christ. RU has a class at Antioch that meets every Tuesday Night. This started in Rockford, Illinois, and offers residential help for addicted men and ladies. ReformersUnanimous(RU)isabiblicalandaspiritualbasedChristianAddictionRecoveryProgram,designedtorescue,recover,andrestorethoseinaddictivebehaviorswiththepowerofthehiddenlifefoundonlyinJesusChrist.RUhasaclassatAntiochthatmeetseveryTuesdayNight.ThisstartedinRockford,Illinois,andoffersresidentialhelpforaddictedmenandladies.
What does RU have to say:WhatdoesRUhavetosay:
To the Addict – RU is the way I found hope and freedom from habits that have held me in bondage far too long.TotheAddict–RUisthewayIfoundhopeandfreedomfromhabitsthathaveheldmeinbondagefartoolong.
To the Family/Friend of an Addict – RU is a place where I found hope for my loved one and help for my deepest hurts.TotheFamily/FriendofanAddict–RUisaplacewhereIfoundhopeformylovedoneandhelpformydeepesthurts.
To the Child – RU is the place I found security and happiness, and I got my parents back.TotheChild–RUistheplaceIfoundsecurityandhappiness,andIgotmyparentsback.
To the Struggling Teenager – RU is a program that reached me with the good news and taught me about dealing with relevant issues teens face.TotheStrugglingTeenager–RUisaprogramthatreachedmewiththegoodnewsandtaughtmeaboutdealingwithrelevantissuesteensface.
To the Pastor – RU is the tool that brought hope to my community and revival to my church.TothePastor–RUisthetoolthatbroughthopetomycommunityandrevivaltomychurch.
To the Church Member – RU is the pathway God used to expose my personal strugglesTotheChurchMember–RUisthepathwayGodusedtoexposemypersonalstruggles
To the Inmate – RU is the only place I found freedom, even though I was incarcerated.TotheInmate–RUistheonlyplaceIfoundfreedom,eventhoughIwasincarcerated.
To the Chaplain – RU is the catalyst for lasting change among inmates.TotheChaplain–RUisthecatalystforlastingchangeamonginmates.
To the Correctional Officer – RU helped me understand my position and influence as a minister of God for good.TotheCorrectionalOfficer–RUhelpedmeunderstandmypositionandinfluenceasaministerofGodforgood.
To the Judge – RU is the program we partnered with to reduce recidivism in our community. Now we see them as productive citizens active in our community.TotheJudge–RUistheprogramwepartneredwithtoreducerecidivisminourcommunity.Nowweseethemasproductivecitizensactiveinourcommunity.
To God – RU is one of His greatest tools to accomplish His great commission.ToGod–RUisoneofHisgreatesttoolstoaccomplishHisgreatcommission.